Booknetic Updates / Changelogs
Booknetic - Changelogs. Top-rated Appointment Booking Plugin for WordPress team releases updates frequently to provide better service and adds new features.
Booknetic v4 is online now. Packages, Outlook Calendar, Staff Commission and much more...
check updatesBooknetic - Changelogs. Top-rated Appointment Booking Plugin for WordPress team releases updates frequently to provide better service and adds new features.
v4.0.1 - 8 Aug 24
v3.8.28 - 16 May 24
v3.8.26 - 11 April 24
v3.8.25 - 25 March 24
v3.8.23 - 18 March 24
v3.8.20– 23 Feb 24
v3.8.18– 08 Feb 24
v3.8.16– 26 Jan 24
v3.8.15– 10 Jan 24
v3.8.14 – 08 Jan 24
v3.8.12– 15 Dec 23
v3.8.10– 01 Dec 23
v3.8.9 - 22 Nov 23
v3.8.8 – 17 Nov 23
v3.8.6– 13 Oct 23
v3.8.4– 22 Sep 23
v3.8.3– 12 Sep 23
v3.8.1 – 17 Aug 23
v3.7.6 – 11 Aug 23
v3.7.5 – 26 Jul 23
v3.7.3 – 17 Jul 23
v3.7.1 – 29 Jun 23
v3.6.5 – 26 May 23
v3.6.0 – 05 May 23
v3.5.6 – 27 Apr 23
Added features:
Fixed bugs:
v3.5.5 – 06 Apr 23
Added invoices tab to the appointment info, where the attached invoices of appointments will be displayed;
Added sign_up_page and sign_in_page shortcodes;
Fixed activation problem during customer registration;
Fixed the service right/left alignment buttons in RTL mode;
Improved booking panel popup responsiveness on mobile devices;
Improved bring people functionality;
Fixed unsupported payment method error;
Custom durations are now based on timeslot length;
Change status link now displays static expiration time and time remaining until the appointment starts;
Fixed issue with limited booking days and timeslots not being displayed at the end of the month in the calendar service;
Fixed right/left alignment buttons in RTL mode in the calendar;
Fixed a lot of RTL issues;
Fixed issue with creating new custom status when there is a waiting list;
Fixed table width problem in invoices;
Improved customer panel to prevent conflicts when multiple panels are open at once;
Fixed timezone problem in recurring appointments;
Fixed timeslot overlapping issue.
Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.3 – 17 Mar 23
+ Added custom fields and appointment extras to export function for appointments;
+ Added classes to elements in the booking panel to prevent sending empty classnames to Google Tag Manager;
+ Improved appointment search by service extra name;
+ Increased login duration to 14 days;
+ Changed confirmation message for duplicate customer timeslot bookings;
+ Fixed issue with copying start and end times in the staff timesheet;
+ Fixed bug with date input in custom form conditions;
+ Fixed issue with setting value for staff in custom conditions;
+ Fixed bug in iOS app where checking the "Bring People" checkbox would increase and decrease the value by two;
+ Fixed issue with skipping extra on the back step;
+ Fixed error when staff step was hidden and there was no staff for a service;
+ Fixed issue with custom duration input in the backend;
+ Fixed bug where conditions could not be deleted in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed CSS and RTL issues;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.2 – 08 Mar 23
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.1 – 08 Mar 23
+ Fixed the issue related to the cart icon when booking failed;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor booking button caption;
+ Fixed the issue related to the service extra show more button;
+ Fixed the issue related to the staff edit password;
+ Fixed the issue related to the non-translatable words in the user role manager;
+ Fixed the issue related to the extras are not visible;
+ Fixed the issue related to the timeslot occupied error;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.5.0 – 16 Feb 23
+ Added cart system to BooStore;
+ Fixed the bug that caused the "wp-admin" page to redirect to "customer-sign-in" page;
+ Fixed the "Show more" problem in services;
+ Added ability for staff to view services;
+ Made various CSS fixes in the backend;
+ Made RTL CSS fixes in the customer panel;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.9 – 08 Feb 23
+ Added Sign-up and Forgot password widgets;
+ Added the dynamic translation data to the export file;
+ Added Server-to-Server OAuth method for Zoom integration;
+ Fixed the 500 error in Service extras;
+ Improved RTL compatibility for a better user interface;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.7 – 01 Feb 23
+ Added a feature to have different step orders for each page.
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.6 – 27 Jan 23
+ Added an option to delete associated WordPress users when deleting Staff & Customer;
+ Added option to update or create a new user when editing Staff with "use existing WordPress user option" selected;
+ Added a timeout for Payments in the Booking panel;
+ Added an ability to change WooCommerce order status when the appointment is paid from the backend (WooCommerce addon);
+ Sign in page now redirects customers to the previous page instead of the customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the checkbox in the Custom forms addon;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Appearance Color changing on the Booknetic Cart step;
+ Fixed some issues related to the Sign in page shortcode with Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the email notifications;
+ Fixed the issue related to the appointment change status;
+ Fixed the issue related to the overlapping flexible timeslots;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Graph showing wrong data in some places;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor page editing when the Booking panel page was saved in settings;
+ Fixed the issue related to the WooCommerce bug not sending Appointment details via email;
+ Made Booknetic more responsive;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.5 – 13 Jan 23
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.4 – 09 Jan 23
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed some issues related to the WooCommerce payment gateway;
+ Fixed the bug related to the email notifications;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.3 – 23 Dec 22
+ Added an ability to set custom names and icons for payment gateways;
+ Added an ability to use the WooCommerce payment together with the Local payment method;
+ Fixed the bug related to the conditional fields;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Date and Time" step load;
+ Fixed the calculation issue with Taxes;
+ Fixed some issues related to the missing strings;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.2 – 16 Dec 22
+ Scrolling script has been completely changed;
+ Customers can join to the waitlist for other service if staff are busy with another service;
+ Added "Allow to login" permission in to User role manager;
+ Fixed the content encoding problem with some iPhone models;
+ Fixed the bug related to the rating button visibility after the expiration;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Timeslot available" event;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Gmail SMTP expired tokens;
+ Fixed the issue related to the booking panel auto resize in the popup;
+ Fixed the issue related to the reordering services and service categories;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 365-day graph;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.1 – 28 Nov 22
+ Added a reset order button for services and service categories;
+ Added an option to send "Timeslot available" workflow event to customers;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "New customer created" event;
+ Fixed the bug related to the custom durations;
+ Fixed the bug related to the rating form;
+ Fixed the bug related to the reordering services and service categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the dynamic translations;
+ Fixed the bug related to the fixed tax amount;
+ Fixed the issue related to the recaptcha position;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Price do not include taxes" position;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.4.0 – 21 Nov 22
+ Added a new feature - Custom Duration;
+ Added a new feature - Conversion tracking (Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager);
+ Added a new feature - Donations;
+ Added an ability to translate the dynamic data (Services, Staff, Locations, etc.)
+ Added an ability to set conditions for Custom Forms (Conditional Fields);
+ Added new shortcodes to show each dates for the recurring appointments;
+ Added Flexible timeslots option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the limited booking days;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customer duplication on multi-booking;
+ Fixed the bug related to the staff specific price on Any Staff option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the taxes when coupon applied;
+ Fixed the bug related to the payment links with Square payment gateway;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Reordering services and categories;
+ Fixed the Google Calendar duplication issue related to the payment links;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Waiting list;
+ Fixed the traslation issue related to the Telegram integration;
+ Fixed some issues related to Rating form;
+ Fixed some issues related to Zoom;
+ Fixed some issues related to WooCommerce payment gateway;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.5 – 31 Oct 22
+ Added an ability to reorder the services and service categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the extra services when the staff step is disabled;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Elementor widgets;
+ Fixed some permission problems with the User role manager;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.4 – 21 Oct 22
+ Added "Show more" button for long-texted service notes;
+ Added an ability to enable/disable the "Bring people with you" option for services;
+ Added an ability to show the service notes in a row;
+ Added "Last appointment date" to the Customers export CSV;
+ Fixed the bug related to the date format in the Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Booknetic Sign-in widget in Elementor;
+ Fixed the bug related to the User role manager;
+ Fixed the bug related to the first appointment order in WooCommerce payment;
+ Fixed the bug related to the specific price of staff in "Any staff" option;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Google Calendar events on Daily/Weekly view in Booknetic calendar;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Customer panel visibility for non-customer users;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.3 – 10 Oct 22
+ Added style and class inputs for booking button in Elementor;
+ Fixed some bugs related to User role manager add-on;
+ Fixed the bug related to the discount row with multi-booking in confirmation step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Edit button in Recurring Info;
+ Fixed the issue related to the minimum time requirement in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Datepicker in Customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the long service extra names;
+ Fixed the issue related to the booking steps in tablet view;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.2 – 25 Sep 22
+ Added Gmail SMTP method for Email action;
+ Added widgets for Elementor;
+ Added widgets for Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to Daily type of Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to reschedule button in Customer Panel;
+ Fixed some RTL issues;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3.1 – 16 Sep 22
+ Added a new feature - User role manager;
+ Added a new feature - Sign in to Booknetic;
+ New integration with Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the booking button;
+ Fixed the bug related to the change status page;
+ Fixed the issue related to the confirmation page;
+ Added taxes column to Payments CSV file;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.3 – 08 Sep 22
+ Added an ability to export the selected fields in Appointments, Customer and etc. tabs;
+ Added a new filter for the New Booking events. Appointment created from (Backend, Frontend, Both) filter;
+ Added a new feature for staff and customers to log in;
+ Payment gateways order can be changed for Booknetic's frontend Booking Panel;
+ The time Restriction on the Customer Panel add-on also applies to the Change status option now;
+ Added Necessary Appointment status feature on Google Calendar;
+ Improvements on the stylesheet;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Recurring step staying idle on booking;
+ Fixed the bug related to the color picker on Appearances;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.2.7 – 18 Aug 22
+ Fixed the 500 error related to the v3.2.6 release;
v3.2.6 – 17 Aug 22
+ Added language files for Ratings & Reviews add-on;
+ Added some missing strings to the language files;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Any staff option;
+ Fixed the bug related to the reminders after the appointment is rescheduled;
+ Fixed the bug related to the deposit payments with Giftcards;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WordPress "Password changed" email;
+ Fixed the bug related to the collapsing services categories;
+ Fixed the bug related to the staff step order in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the issue related to the weekdays in the Customer panel - Reschedule;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.2.4 – 01 Aug 22
+ Added an EDIT button for date-based Recurring Appointments;
+ Added a new success label for the status change link;
+ Added many missing strings to the language files;
+ Added a status filter for the New booking event in Workflow;
+ Invoice name is optimized;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customer timezone when booking a manual appointment from the back-end;
+ Fixed the bug related to the specific price of staff in Services;
+ Fixed the bug related to the setting decimals in Taxes;
+ Fixed the bug related to the field ordering in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the accordion in popup/modal (mobile);
+ Fixed the issue related to the revenues in Reports;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed many small bugs, conflicts, and visual problems;
v3.2.3 – 18 Jul 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Giftcards in Deposit payments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Any staff option while booking with the multi-booking feature;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Waiting List informational text on the Confirmation step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 12-hour clock format;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs, conflicts;
v3.2.2 – 07 Jul 22
+ Fixed the problem related to the waiting list;
+ Fixed the bug related to the custom form fields - max length;
+ Fixed the issue related to the coupon field on mobile view;
+ Fixed the issue related to the default protocol in workflow;
+ Fixed the issue related to the RTL view;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs, conflicts;
v3.2.0 – 27 Jun 22 | Release summary (V3.1 to V3.2)
+ Added a new feature - Waiting List;
+ Added a booking widget for Elementor;
+ Added a graph to the Dashboard that shows 365 days frequency;
+ Added an ability to collapse services under a category;
+ Added an ability to start the booking calendar from any month;
+ Added an ability to set a minimum required quantity for extra services;
+ Added a new shortcode to send the payment link via Workflows;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "Continue with Google" button;
+ Fixed the bug related to Reminders;
+ Fixed the bug related to the "New customer created" event;
+ Fixed the issue related to checkbox input in Custom Forms;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.7 – 13 Jun 22
+ Fixed the bug related to workflows for appointments made via the multi-booking feature;
+ Fixed the issue related to the scroll problem on the Confirmation step;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.6 – 10 Jun 22
+ Added a new keyword to display the total number of appointments in Group - {total_appointments_in_group};
+ Fixed the bug related to the fixed frequency for Monthly type of Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the available days in the Customer panel - Reschedule;
+ Fixed the bug related to the buffer time in the Customer panel - Reschedule;
+ Fixed the bug related to the invitation email problem in Google Calendar;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "0" value in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Elementor in the Customer panel;
+ Fixed the issues related to the missing strings in language files;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.5 – 06 Jun 22
+ Added an ability to create a payment link for unpaid (or partially paid) appointments;
+ Added an ability to change the appointment status via the link;
+ Fixed the bug related to the product name in WooCommerce notifications;
+ Fixed the bug related to the date-based services in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the statistic boxes information in Dashboard;
+ Fixed the issue related to the payment date in the Payment Info;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.4 – 20 May 22
+ Added a new feature - Ratings & Reviews;
+ Fixed the bug related to the deposit payments in recurring appointments via the multi-booking feature;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WooCommerce;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar and Zoom in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the issues related to the Dashboard duration and new customers info;
+ Fixed several problems related to the Recurring Appointments;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.3 – 06 May 22
+ Added an official Sign-in button for Google Calendar Integration;
+ Added new keywords {recurring_appointments_tax_amount} and {recurring_appointments_tax_(tax id)_amount};
+ Fixed the bug related to the tax calculation problem in Recurring appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar sync in Booknetic Calendar;
+ Fixed the bug related to the 24-hour working option in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to the day before day-off in Recurring Appointments;
+ Fixed the bug related to changing appointments after the timeslot length changed;
+ Fixed the bug related to making manual Recurring Appointment from the admin panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the service price in mobile view;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Select input in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the File input in Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Coupons;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Recurring Appointments information in the Cart step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Hide price" in the Cart step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Import/Export feature;
+ Fixed the issue related to the order by appointment date in the Payments module;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.1.2 – 29 Apr 22
+ Show appointment details on the Confirmation step when the Cart step is disabled;
+ Added an ability to change the "Bring People with You" labels on the Visual Translator module;
+ Added an ability to change the "Multi-booking" labels on the Visual Translator module;
+ Fixed the bug related to the appointment statuses on the Calendar module;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WooCommerce payment;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the bug related to the duplicating Booknetic blocks on WordPress - Pages;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar and Zoom when the payment is not verified;
+ Fixed the conflict with the Font Awesome in the Customer Panel;
+ Fixed the CSS conflict with pages where the booking panel placed;
+ Fixed the issue related to the customer time zone on the Customer Panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Any staff" option;
+ Fixed issues related to {appointment_sum_price} and {appointment_total_price} keywords;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.1.0 – 25 Apr 22 | Release summary (V3.0 to V3.1)
+ Added a new feature - Multi booking feature;
+ Added a new feature - Mailchimp;
+ Made responsiveness changes on the Customer Panel;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.0.16 – 11 Apr 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Staff module;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.0.15 – 08 Apr 22
+ Added a new keyword to show pinned location's address link - {location_google_maps_url};
+ Fixed the issue related to the Customer module;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Custom Forms add-on;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Google Calendar;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs.
v3.0.14 – 01 Apr 22
+ Added a new keyboard to show total price for all recurring appointments - {appointments_total_price};
+ Added a new option to show "Price does not include taxes" on services and extras step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Divi;
+ Fixed the bug related to the AM and PM conflict;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Giftcards filter;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.13 – 30 Mar 22
+ Added a Locale filter to the "New customer created" event;
+ Added a new shortcode to show brought people - {appointment_brought_people};
+ Fixed the issue related to adding customers with existing email addresses;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Date picker on Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Stripe payment gateway;
+ Fixed the bug related to the appointments with an empty email address;
+ Fixed the bug related to the services with +1 day duration;
+ Made minor improvements and small fixes.
v3.0.12 – 18 Mar 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar in staff profile;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Add to Google Calendar" button.
v3.0.11 – 16 Mar 22
+ Fixed the issue related to the payment methods;
+ Fixed the issue related to the test button in Workflow;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.10 – 14 Mar 22
+ Added a keywords selector in Webhook action;
+ Fixed the bug related to the customers of Staff members;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Export/Import module;
+ Fixed the bug related to flexible timeslots with the buffer time before;
+ Fixed the issue related to the cURL on Boostore;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.9 – 12 Mar 22
+ Fixed the issue related to the translations;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.8 – 12 Mar 22
+ Price is hidden for purchased add-ons on Boostore.
v3.0.7 – 11 Mar 22
+ Fixed the issue related to the language files of add-ons.
v3.0.6 – 11 Mar 22
+ Added a new feature to set the specific payment methods for specific services;
+ Added a new feature to share the specific booking panel link with pre-selected steps;
+ Fixed the issue related to the delete button on Appointment Info modal;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Coupons on the first customer;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
v3.0.5 – 06 Mar 22
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Mollie payment gateway;
+ Fixed the issue related to the default appointment status;
+ Fixed the issue related to the flexible timeslots.
v3.0.4 – 24 Feb 22
+ Added a new payment method - Razorpay payment gateway;
+ Added a new feature to add the booking panel to the page with button;
+ Added an ability to delete WP user when deleting the staff and the customer;
v3.0.3 – 23 Feb 22
+ Added an ability to do bulk actions;
+ Fixed the bug related to the d/m/y in specific timesheet of staff and services;
+ Fixed the bug related to the categories in New Appointment and Edit Appointments modals;
+ Fixed the bug related to the visibility of Coupons and Giftcards in Confirm step;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Staff module on the Staff panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the summernote;
+ Fixed the issue related to the WordPress and Boostore buttons on the mobile version.
v3.0.2 – 18 Feb 22
+ Added a new option to allow customers to change the appointment status;
+ Added a function to ask customers for login if there is a user with the same email address;
+ Fixed the bug related to the time format on the booking panel;
+ Fixed the bug related to the categories filter on the staff step of the booking panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the profile changes on customer panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the link and image modal on summernote.
v3.0.1 – 17 Feb 22
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Webhook);
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Set booking status);
+ Added an ability to select the previous status on Status changed event;
+ Added an ability to show the Calendar name instead of Calendar ID on Google Calendar Integration;
+ Added an ability to disable the some of workflows on the Workflow module;
+ Added an ability to select the "For each customer" option in booking rescheduled, starts, ends events;
+ Fixed the issue related to the 24-hour working option on Special days;
+ Fixed the issue related to the customer creation date;
+ Fixed the issue related to the Starting guide.
v3.0.0 – 11 Feb 22 | Release summary (V2.7 to V3.0)
+ The engine of the plugin is recreated;
+ The marketplace is added to the plugin (Boostore);
+ Added a new module - Workflow;
+ Added a new module - Taxes;
+ Added a new feature - Custom Statuses for Appointments;
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Amazon SNS);
+ Added a new action for Workflow (Telegram);
+ Added new shortcodes to the plugin;
+ Added new input types to the Custom Forms module (Email and Phone number);
+ Added a new modal - Customer info;
+ Added the Coupons tab to the Appointment Info;
+ Added an ability to set the booking status automatically after the action is made;
+ Added an ability to show Google Calendar events on Booknetic Calendar;
+ Added an ability to select Custom field in the New Appointment modal;
+ Added an ability to select/delete/edit coupons in the New Appointment and Edit Appointment modal;
+ Added an ability to add Notes for Appointments;
+ Added an ability to export payments in the Payments module;
+ Made some changes to the existing shortcodes;
+ A lot of bugs have been fixed and made many optimizations.