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10 Exceptional Patient Management Plugins for WordPress

Author: Natella Zadeh
Natella Zadeh January 31, 2022
10 Exceptional Patient Management Plugins for WordPress

Struggling to find the right patient management plugin for WordPress? Do not know how to manage the endless flow of patients, doctors, nurses, receptionists? This blog will the pain out of your shoulders.

Every business needs to provide a customer-oriented website to its users. That applies to health care providers, medical centers, and dental offices as well. Your priority is caring for patients. This includes scheduling, billing, managing waitlists, and more.

Patient management software is also known as clinic management software that handles patient information, prescriptions, and interactions within health organizations and clinics. A patient management plugin for WordPress incorporates these facilities into WordPress websites.

Should not forget the need for an online medical appointment booking system in clinics.

The purpose of the patient management software is to smooth operations and patient management. Some clinic management plugins focus on patient management, some focus on processes like blood testing, scheduling, or patient tracking. Today, we will look at different aspects and present you with plugins for diverse needs.

10 patient management plugins for WordPress

1. Booknetic

patient management plugin for wordpress Booknetic

Booknetic is a multi-purpose appointment booking plugin for WordPress. It provides complete solutions for hospitals, clinics, dental offices to automate their operations and boost customer service.

The patient management features include self-scheduling appointments, online payments, customer management, taxes, and invoicing. From the admin panel, you can enable recurring appointments, group appointments, provide discounts or coupons for patients.

Continue with Google and Facebook are unique features that are not given other patient management plugins. User registration data is automatically saved on the system. You can send SMS\Email\WhatsApp notifications and reminders to patients and doctors about their appointments.

Also, you can view the patients' history, their contact information, the last appointments from the Customers panel. Booknetic calls employees as staff and patients as customers by default. But you can change the titles and other details to match your clinic system.

As a doctor management system, it lets set up an appointment booking process true to your services. You can add locations, doctors, or services and adjust their orders in the booking panel. It is easy to receive online payments through PayPal, Stripe, and WooCommerce payments.

By connecting hospital management systems with modern technologies, Booknetic will take your clinic ahead of your competitors. To get the plugin, pay $79 and receive all future updates and customer support for free.

2. KiviCare

kivicare patient management plugin for wordpress kivicare

KiviCare is a clinic and patient management plugin for hospitals and clinics. Perhaps the most known patient management plugin for WordPress. The key features of the plugin include an appointment booking system, encounter management, patient records & history, and a dashboard to keep track of operations.

Its patient management features help to swiftly share, monitor and manage customer records.

Appointment notifications help healthcare professionals to keep up-to-date with ongoing processes. Patients get receive SMS, Email, WhatsApp notifications for the reminder setting time.

Patients may not visit your hospital for every occasion. The plugin lets you remote monitor clients such as sending prescriptions by email.

One of the on-demand features KiviCare has is appointment booking restrictions that can be controlled by admins. It can be used together with the KiviCare theme, its add-ons, or with separate medical themes.

KiviCare has both free and pro versions. KiviCare Pro is sold at $49. Pro features include multi-language, RTL support, theme customization, Google Calendar, invoice, and reporting features.

3. IDonate Pro

idonate wordpress patient management plugin

As the name suggests, iDonate is an on-purpose clinic management plugin for blood request and donor management. Its structure is systematically made to handle blood donation management. Its UI helps both donors and patients to easily register and fulfill their needs.

The plugin allows everyone to register for donating blood and list the donors on the donor's page. The donor registration system allows donors to easily register and add their information to the system.

Donor lists are shown on the donor table along with all important information. Anyone who needs blood can use find a donor and request blood. It has a blood request approval system that is managed from the admin dashboard. Ajax search on donor table helps to instantly find donors.

Advanced setting options allow you to design the look of profiles, donors page front end, registration page, and more. iDonate costs $30 along with future updates.

4. Hospital Management System

hospital management system patient management plugin

Yet another comprehensive patient management plugin is Hospital Management System. It has different dashboards for managing patients, doctors, and nurses.

Uts user management feature includes a user registration system. Users can get login details or choose the appropriate user type.

Being new in the market, HMS is a very affordable plugin. You can pay $20 and have access to future updates and customer support. The database management system has backup and restores features.

Admins can add new staff and manage their roles. Also, patients can register into accounts and use the website. Invoicing and billing is part of the plugin facilities.

Through reports, admins get oversee different reports such as invoices, staff, patients, or user login details.

5. Doctorino 

patient management plugin for wordpress doctorino

Doctrine is a responsive patient management plugin. As a dedicated patient management plugin for WordPress, it deals with all parts of patient management.

All security checks and invalid page submissions are tested so that no invalid user can access your system. Full responsivity ensures users of all devices can access your website.

Patient management streamlines patient documents and history for easy access. Doctors can store prescriptions of a particular patient for future use. You can manage drugs and diagnostic tests and incorporate them into prescriptions.

You can see the past and future appointments on the appointments page. Through SMS notifications, you can inform patients and doctors upon the appointments. Admins can review, edit, remove patient details from the system. Activation of financial activities like billing is also possible with this patient management plugin for WordPress.

Doctoring charges $49 for customer support and future updates.

6. Hospital - Hospital Management System

hospotal-hospital management system

Hospital - Hospital Management System is developed to maintain hospital activities properly. It can be used as clinic management software and keep records and monitor activities.

Its appointment scheduler allows you to receive appointments from anywhere. It has separate doctor management, patient management, department management, laboratory system, bed management, insurance system, and all other important systems that hospitals deal with on a day-to-day basis.

For different user roles, it has different dashboards like doctor, patient, nurse, receptionist, accountant, pharmacist, or laboratories dashboards.

Bed manager is an additional feature that is not provided by other patient management plugins for WordPress. The plugin allows you to transfer information along all channels that ensure the best customer care in the end.

You can get the plugin by paying a $ 49-lifetime payment.

7. Multi Hospital

multi hospital patient mamagement plugin

As a patient management plugin for WordPress, Multi Hospital provides a holistic approach to the system. It is a SAAS product that offers doctor management, patient management, lab management, pharmacy management, and other management systems that are used in clinic management.

The plugin can be used as a nursing home, hospital, clinic, or diagnostic center.

A single or multiple admins can manage the plugin. It has 9 types of login access such as super admin, admin, doctors, nurse, patient, pharmacists, etc. Plus to regular doctor management features, it has a doctor commission calculator for diagnosis reference.

The patient management includes appointment bookings, patient timeline, patient history, patient payment history. Additionally, it has financial reporting, accounting, billing repostings features. You can receive payments via Stripe.

It has section-rich pages where you can put different information, add details, or photos. It also has contact forms to collect user information.

On top of everything, Multi Hospital provides a telehealth feature that we did not find on other patient management plugins for WordPress. It costs $89 to get the Multi Hospital SAAS plugin.

8. Medical Prescription Attachment Plugin

medical prescriptions worpdress patient management plugin

Medical Prescription Attachment Plugin for WooCommerce is a niche patient management plugin for facilitating patients’ orders. By uploading prescriptions for medicine, patients can purchase from online pharma shops. It has a comprehensive admin management system that allows you to remove errors. File attachments come useful for uploading doctors’ prescriptions.

Admins can decide products can be purchased with a doctor's prescription or products that do not need a prescription. The interesting thing about the patient management plugin is that users can still upload the prescriptions even after placing the order. Also, admins can approve or disapprove the uploaded prescription file.

Admins can enable or disable the prescription section depending on the products. Admins can view a complete list of orders placed for the prescription types of products. Plus, they can set up a prescription heading and content for the users in the front end. You can pay $49 to get all features.

9. Bayanno Hospital

bayannonpatient management plugin for wordpress

Yet another hospital management system for WordPress is Bayanno. It provides 8 user types based on the roles of employees. The patient management plugin for WordPress removes all paperwork and manual work by collaborating admin, doctor, nurse, patient, pharmacist, receptionist, and accountant roles.

The patient management includes appointment booking, prescription and medicine recording, all patient diagnoses, records of patient payments, and managing operation reports.

While doctor management has searchable doctors’ name lists and categorized views based on the departments.

As hospital management software, it has bed management, records of blood donors, blood bank management, medicine recording features.

By automating billings, prescriptions, patient information, the ability to add pharmacists and receptionists creates easy hospital management to users. In addition, you can add emergency contact information and work hours to your website to further facilitate processes.

10. Hospital & Doctor Directory

hospital and doctor directory plugin for wordpress

Hospital & Doctor Directory lets you create a hospital & doctor directory website. As a directory website, it offers full membership and front-end submission listing features.

In the doctor listing, users can search doctors by their location. Or, they can use filters on the left side such as categories, genders, clinic names. In the search results, doctor profiles show their specialty, located area, rating, and contact buttons like call, email, appointment, or website link.

The extended profile shows their education and work history, achievements, and all related information that a user may search for. You can find hospitals with the same logic.

You can charge subscription payment via Stripe or full payment via PayPal. With MailChimp integrations, you can add new users’ contacts to your list. The patient management plugin lets you earn money by adding a list, claiming a list, appointments made, or accessing the website.

You can pay $39 for all features and coming updates.

Sum up 

As with choosing your doctors, nurses, medical providers, finding the right patient management plugins is not easy. It requires time and energy to explore available options, compare their features, and assess their match for your needs.

Sometimes, great tools are not the right match for your specific needs. We brought the list of diverse clinic management software to make it easy for you. Yet, the decision part is up to you. As we always say, list down your pain points and see which patient management plugin for WordPress has the cure for them.

Also read,

Top 10 vet clinic software | Reviews and Pricing

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Booknetic is a simple yet powerful plugin for accepting online bookings & payments on your WordPress site.