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6 Tips to Build a Profitable Sales Funnel on Your Website

Author: Aytaj Abbasova
Aytaj Abbasova November 01, 2022
6 Tips to Build a Profitable Sales Funnel on Your Website

The sales process has evolved to meet the growing number of customers who shop online, using websites as an alternative to physical stores. Many websites are vying for your potential customer's attention—your sales funnel must be optimized to the fullest extent possible.

Sales funnel on your website is a valuable model for visualizing the customer journey from awareness to conversion—it is vital to understand this concept for the growth of your business. The sales funnel is a valuable tool for in-depth business analysis and finding improvement areas.

A sales funnel allows you to envision how consumers engage with your company and follow them as they advance from prospects to becoming paying clients. Reviewing your sales funnel is a great way to fine-tune your marketing strategy.

It is also one of the most important point to look for if you want to have a successful small business.

Before we walk you through essential tips to help you build a profitable sales funnel on your website, you must thoroughly understand what a sales funnel is.

What is a Sales Funnel?


The sales funnel also called the conversion or marketing funnel, is a metaphor for the customer's journey through your sales and marketing processes. It is a kind of advertising that aims to show how potential clients will be converted into leads, ultimately, buyers.

The three sections of a sales funnel include:

Marketing efforts at the top of the funnel ultimately result in sales. When they come onto your website, they are entirely unfamiliar with your company—it is up to you to grab their attention the moment they land on your website.

All the work you do to get prospects interested in what you have to offer happens in the middle of the sales funnel. The prospects will check the prices of similar items and look for reviews from unbiased sources about your business brand.

The bottom stage of the funnel determines the decision for the final stage. Your potential customer thinks carefully about whether or not to purchase from you. They consider their inquiries, concerns, and financial situation. The action phase is when a customer is ideally made from a prospect.

Stages of the sales funnel


Prospects go through four sales funnel phases—each of which calls for a unique strategy when communicating with the prospect. These four phases include:

Awareness through forms

This is when a potential customer is introduced to your product or service via advertising, social media, word-of-mouth, or a Google search that leads them to your website. You must retarget your prospects using registration forms by 123FormBuilder to encourage them to complete registration and become your paying client.

If everything falls into place, the potential client will convert into a paying customer by simply clicking on a link and purchasing your service.


The potential customer has taken the time to research your business, brand, and offerings and has opted to form an opinion based on their degree of interest. To get them to join your email list, you need to pitch them some resources, provide them with something of value, and send lead magnets. You must create excellent content that does not try hard-sell but inform and educate the prospects.


Here, the potential buyer has a few alternatives to weigh before making a final decision. They will be weighing the pros and cons of various plans and bundles. Make your best offer—send your leads a discount code, voucher, or other enticing offers to encourage them to purchase from you.


In this last stage of the sales funnel, the visitor either buys your product or service, becomes a customer, or abandons the sales process altogether, opting instead to pursue other options.

After making a purchase—it's essential to retain them—seek feedback, provide post-purchase assistance, or sign up for a loyalty program. A key goal of your content must be to increase brand loyalty.

Tips to help you build a profitable sales funnel

Businesses that aspire to be successful need their sales funnels—the primary objective of a sales funnel is to advance potential customers through the various levels of the sales process until they are finally prepared to purchase your products or services.

In addition to helping you increase conversion rates, a well-designed sales funnel provides valuable insights into the user experience—enables you to spot flaws in your marketing methods that need improvement.

Let us delve deeper into the tips that will help you draw in more prospective customers, keep your current ones engaged, and help you convert them into your end users.

1. Know your target demographic through market research


The form of the optimal sales funnels you design will vary depending on your target audience. You will better cater to your customers' needs and expedite the buying process by honing in on exactly who you're selling to. If your ideal clientele comprises several types of buyers, you'll need to use a multi-sales-funnel approach.

You'll need to make some adjustments to keep your current clientele happy. They will become more educated buyers because of the data you collect specifically for them. If you need assistance identifying your ideal customer, you may use market research methods provided by Attest to do in-depth demographic research and competitor analysis.

2. Use ClickFunnels


The online software platform, ClickFunnels enables users to develop websites and marketing funnels with a high conversion rate. You must construct a website using ClickFunnels, generate leads, make sales, expand your email list, and establish a brand for your business all at the same time. Important aspects of Clickfunnels include:

  • Focused on maximizing marketing and sales efficiency
  • Marketing automation for email and social media
  • Online stores with intelligent carts and check-out processes
  • Create landing pages quickly and easily, no coding required
  • Possibility of establishing restricted access regions
  • A/B testing
  • Free trial

There are a lot of alternatives to Clickfunnels—you need to choose the best ClickFunnels alternatives as some options concentrate just on landing pages, whilst others are geared specifically at sales funnels—and still, others include a wide variety of other capabilities.

3. Develop a captivating lead magnet


The first step in leveraging your sales funnel is increasing the number of visitors who visit your website. Generating as much traffic as you want is fine, but if you don't have an appealing lead magnet, none of that traffic will be helpful. Also, graphic design tools play the primary role in making professional-looking and appealing lead magnets.

Freebies you give out to prospective customers for their email addresses are known as lead magnets.

Freebies will be anything they'll be able to either view online or download onto their devices, like:

  • An ebook
  • A report
  • An email course
  • A video course
  • A webinar or an online meeting

The lead magnet not only acts as an incentive for the prospective client to join your email list but also functions as a free sample of the value that the buyer will anticipate receiving from the front-end product. A lead magnet is a tool that helps you convert random visitors to your website into email subscribers who will then be nurtured and sold to in the future.

4. Launch an automated email drip campaign 


Collecting emails is the beginning of what will become a sales funnel when one is created. Now is the time to start communicating with your leads so they may get familiar with your brand and begin to consider purchasing your wares or availing themselves of your services.

A drip campaign is when a series of already prepared emails are sent out on a predetermined schedule. This email campaign will assist in the nurturing of leads by educating them about the industry, informing them about your products or services, and sharing relevant information that the email receivers will find beneficial.

5. Optimize your sales funnel


Creating a sales funnel is insufficient unless it is optimized and analyzed to assess and determine where you're losing leads—focus on the funnel's transition points.

Optimization must start at the funnel's top to evaluate how each content is doing—whether the prospects are captured with the initial content. Your content must encourage readers to click the CTA—you need to rework if your content is not getting clicks.  You must also evaluate the landing page to determine whether your offer and CTA match the content—test your landing page's title, graphics, text, and CTA to see what works.

Check how frequently consumers buy from you, make a repurchase and, more importantly, track your retention rates and how frequently your customers refer others.

6. Maintain continuity of action

In the last stage of the sales funnel, the prospect has either made a purchase or opted not to. In any scenario, you must keep up the contact and continue to work on developing your relationships.

If a lead converts into a client, you must continue cultivating the relationship by educating the customer about your products or services, engaging them consistently to foster loyalty, and providing excellent service to keep them valued.

Wrapping up

Understanding your clientele better and using that data in your sales funnel using the appropriate tools will increase conversion rates, leading to phenomenal growth for your business. You must include high-quality content in your blog articles and lead magnets to attract new customers. The more you use a sales funnel, the more proficient you will get at managing it— you'll have lots of opportunities to hone your skills due to the need for each of your customer personas to have its unique sales funnel.

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